Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Download PC

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Free Download for PC
Official Name: Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Download PC
Release date(s): 2003
Genre(s): Sports, action
Platform(s): PC, Windows
Developer(s): Magic Pockets
Version: Full Version
File Upload: Torrent

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Overview

Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Free Download for PC is a sports action video game released in November 2003, that features the fictional sport of Quidditch from the Harry Potter franchise. The user plays in the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup competition.



In this stage, the player competes for the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup using the Hogwarts house teams, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. The teams are represented by a specific character from the books for each team (Harry Potter for Gryffindor, Draco Malfoy for Slytherin, Cedric Diggory for Hufflepuff, and Cho Chang for Ravenclaw). When the player chooses a team, the character flies off on its broomstick. If this is the player's first time playing a team, the character will give a short statement praising the player's selection, then the house challenges appear. These challenges focus on specific areas of a full Quidditch game and are used to learn the game for new players, or polish skills as a returning player.

There are seven house challenges: Passing, Tackle and Shoot, Seeker, Beaters and Bludgers, Special Moves, and Combos. Only the first three challenges — Passing, Tackle and Shoot, and Seeker — are initially available to the player, with Beaters and Bludgers, and Special Moves unlocked after the first Quidditch match, and Combos unlocked after the second match. Completing the first set of challenges allows the player to play their first full Quidditch match. The team the player faces depends on what team they are playing as. Winning the game unlocks the next set of challenges which must then be completed to unlock the next match. Winning the second game unlocks the final challenge. Completing that challenge unlocks the Hogwarts Cup final match. Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Download free Full Version.

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Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup game free Download for PC Full Version Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Game free Download Full Version Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Download free Full Version


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