Flight Unlimited Download PC

Flight Unlimited Free Download for PC
Official Name: Flight Unlimited Download PC
Release date(s): 1995
Genre(s): Aerobatic flight simulator
Platform(s): PC, Windows
Developer(s): Looking Glass Technologies
Version: Full Version
File Upload: Torrent

Flight Unlimited Overview

Flight Unlimited Free Download for PC is a 1995 aerobatic flight simulator video game developed and published by Looking Glass Technologies. It allows players to pilot reproductions of real-world aircraft and to perform aerobatic maneuvers. They may fly freely, race through floating rings against a timer or take lessons from a virtual flight instructor. The instructor teaches basic and advanced techniques, ranging from rudder turns to maneuvers such as the tailslide, Lomcevak and Immelmann turn.

Flight Unlimited was the first self-published game released by Looking Glass Technologies. It was intended to establish the company as a video game publisher and to compete with flight simulator franchises such as Microsoft Flight Simulator. Project leader Seamus Blackley, a particle physicist and amateur pilot, conceived the game in 1992. He felt that other flight simulators failed to convey the experience of real flight, and he reacted by coding a simulated atmosphere for Flight Unlimited based on real-time computational fluid dynamics. Aerobatic pilot Michael Goulian endorsed the game and assisted the team in making it more true to life. Flight Unlimited Download free Full Version.

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Flight Unlimited Free Download Torrent Flight Unlimited Game free Download Full Version Flight Unlimited Download free Full Version


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